Make employee retention a top priority! Learn how to onboard, develop, and nurture your workforce so they stick around.

Use orientation sessions to generate enthusiasm and build connections
A thoughtfully planned and employee-centred orientation session makes new hires feel welcomed and appreciated – and excited to build their career in your district.

How mentorship contributes to a culture of learning
Mentorship programs increase teacher effectiveness, job satisfaction, commitment and early-career retention while also contributing to classroom instruction and student achievement.

Five models of mentorship
Mentorship takes many forms – from school-based models to peer collaboration. Explore some of the most effective mentorship models.

Best practices in effective mentoring programs
Follow this checklist to see if your mentoring program is helping your employees grow.

Why professional learning matters
When teachers continue learning over their entire careers, the benefits extend beyond themselves to their students, colleagues, schools and the profession as a whole.

Qualities of an effective culture of learning
Discover the top seven factors that make professional learning more powerful.

Two ways to plan your professional learning
Use these two inquiry-based approaches to plan your professional learning and lead you to new knowledge, ideas and practices.

Professional learning in practice
What does professional learning look like in the real world? Workshops, discussion time and classroom demonstrations are all examples of professional learning.

The importance of investing in health and wellness
The benefits of a healthy workplace culture are far-reaching – from improved morale and lower absenteeism to healthier behaviours.